Singapore's Premier Discreet Escort Services


At ThaiBeautiful, we understand your time is precious. Three steps are all you need for a quick, hassle-free booking.

1. See our ladies’ page or browse our image gallery at to choose your preferred lady.
2. Send an sms with the lady’s name, your available date and time, and a name for us to address you to our customer service hotline +65 8398 8434. For example: Lovely, 11 March 3pm, Freddie.
3. You will receive a confirmed reservation from one of our friendly customer service officer within 15 minutes.

If your preferred lady or time is unavailable, our customer service officer will suggest alternatives to ensure your satisfaction.

Our customer hotline operates from 9am to 1am. The first available session of the day is 10.30am, and the available last session is 12 midnight.

What happens next?

Once you have a confirmed reservation, our customer service officer will send you another sms about the location. On the day of your confirmed reservation, send an sms to our customer service hotline when you arrive at the location and our customer service officer will promptly reply you directions on how and where to go.

Then, all that is left is for you to relax and be pampered by first-class service.